Portland Residential Landscape

Design, Install, and Maintenance

Residential Landscape Services

  • Outdoor living area with a fire feature as the centerpiece

    Special Features

    Outdoor Lighting, Pool Landscaping, Fire and Water Features, Pavers, Stone Masonry & Concrete.

  • Outdoor patio with stone pavers, and a sitting area surrounded by beautiful landscaping.

    Outdoor Living

    Outdoor Living Rooms, Outdoor Dining Areas & Outdoor Kitchens

  • A backyard patio covered by custom pergola

    Landscape Carpentry

    Arbors, Pergolas, Custom Decks, Fencing & Custom Garden Features

  • Front view of a residential home with custom concrete pavers leading to the front door


    Paver paths and patios, retention walls, aggregate areas, & concrete installation

  • Portland area backyard beautifully landscaped with plants, lawn, and stone pavers

    Your Yard

    Landscape Planting, Landscape Design, Urban Backyards, Synthetic Lawns, Sod & Seed Lawns, & Landscape Irrigation

  • Grasstains landscape maintenance team member raking bark dust in a garden bed.

    Landscape Maintenance

    Landscape maintenance services including cleanup, bark dust install and maintenance, and irrigation maintenance

  • Landscape design blueprint mockup


    Our expert team will help you identify the project’s scope, timeline, budget, and a full range of options available for your specific project and present you with a customized design plan.

  • In progress of landscaping a city park near Portland, Oregon


    Dedicated project management, attention to detail, and a finalized project workflow will ensure your happy with your project from breaking ground until the dust settles.

  • Oregon office building front with planter beds fully landscaped and well maintained


    You can count on Grasstains team of landscape maintenance specialists to be thorough, well-informed, and eager to relieve you of the most tedious aspects of landscape care.

Our Work

Ready to Transform Your Space?

Schedule a Free Landscape Consultation

Our residential landscape experts will come to you, see your space, chat about your vision, and leave you with a clear plan and estimate.

Contact Grasstains

If you’re not sure you’re ready to schedule a consultation or simply want to learn more first, we're here to help every step of the way.

Contact us now to get started.